How to make a delicious "Roscon"?
If there is one thing that is truly traditional on Three Kings Day, it is the Roscón. You can love whipped cream or be a fan of truffle cream; be on the filling side, or defend that the best Roscón is the one that does without it. In either case, the Roscón de Reyes is the star dessert in homes during Christmas celebrations. Eating a piece of Roscón de Reyes means saying farewell to Christmas and, without enjoying this sweet treat, the end of the festive season would undoubtedly be much more bitter.
Baking a Roscón de Reyes at home is a very succulent option. To make the most desired sweet of these dates, you only need three ingredients: patience, love and quality products. The latter, moreover, has an easy solution, since, if in Paiarrop we are experts in something, it is in artisan products made in a traditional way.
And of course, what can't be missing when it comes to decorating our Roscón de Reyes? Our characteristic candied oranges, if we are citrus fruit lovers, or the assortment of fruits if we want more variety.

And of course, what can't be missing when it comes to decorating our Roscón de Reyes? Prepare the ingredients, follow the recipe steps and enjoy!
(1 large or 2 medium-sized Roscón))
- 650 g of strong flour
- 250 ml warm milk
- 25-30 g fresh yeast
- 120 g sugar
- 120 g melted butter
- eggs and 1 egg yolk
- 10 g salt
- 2 and 1/2 tablespoons orange blossom water
- Grated zest of 1 large lemon and 1 orange
To decorate:
- Candied fruit to taste (Paiarrop's, of course)
- Sugar
- 1 beaten egg
- An orange
- Bakeable figurines (you know: the bean, the king...)
- Mix a little of the 250 ml of warm milk with 2 or 3 tablespoons of the strong flour.
- Add 25-30 g of crumbled fresh yeast and stir it all together.
- Cover and leave to ferment for 15-20 minutes (preferably in a warm place).
- Once the dough has risen, add the rest of the flour to a large bowl and gradually add the rest of the ingredients: sugar, lemon and orange zest, salt, milk, 2 eggs, sugar, the dough that was rising in another bowl, the orange blossom water and finally the melted butter (or margarine).
- Stir until a homogeneous mass is formed.
- We continue by flouring a smooth surface, so that we can knead with our own hands for a few minutes. If necessary, we can add a little more flour to work the dough better.
- Shape the dough into a ball and, once well kneaded, store it either in an airtight container or covered with a couple of damp cloths.
- Let it stand for a couple of hours in a warm place.
- A couple of hours later, remove the dough from the bowl, it should have doubled in size.
- On a smooth, floured surface, knead it again and gradually shape it into the shape of a ring-shaped pastry. Bear in mind that the hole will become smaller when baked, so it is advisable to make it large.
- Let the dough rest again for about an hour, as usual, well covered and in a warm place.
- Finally, we paint our Roscón with egg and decorate it to taste. In addition to the Paiarrop candied fruit, we can add other toppings such as flaked almonds or icing sugar.
- If we want to add figurines, this is the moment to hide them well inside the dough.
- Once we have decorated our Roscón de Reyes, we put them in a preheated oven at 180°C for about 20 minutes. This time will vary depending on the size of the cake, so it is best to keep an eye on the oven.
- Once the time has finished, take the cake out and leave it to cool a little.
- If you are on the "filling team", now is the time to cut the Roscón in half and fill it with cream, truffle cream or any other option you like.

At this point, we hope that your Roscón de Reyes looks amazing and tastes even better. Although, to be honest, it's going to be hard to beat @eldulceobjetivo, who has prepared this delicious Roscón with our candied fruits.